Organizations We Fund
creating a brighter futureThe Wallace Foundation’s mission is to support a wide range of programs within: Arts and Culture, Education, Community Development and Enhancement, Social Services and Needs, and Quality of Life. As requested by the terms of the Foundation Trust Agreement, grants shall be used for purposes primarily in the Wichita, Kansas area and secondarily within the State of Kansas.
2024 - Contributions Paid
Alzheimer's Association $30,850 American Red Cross $69,284 Assistance League of Wichita $25,000 Ballet Wichita $20,000 Boys & Girls Club of South Central Kansas $50,000 Caldwell Hospital & Health Foundation $50,000 Camp Wood YMCA, Inc. $50,000 CASA of Sedgwick County $20,000 Center for Behavioral & Academic Research $60,000 Central Plains Health Care Partnership $25,000 Cerebral Palsy Research Fdn of KS, Inc. $13,000 Child Advocacy Center of Sedgwick County $80,000 Club Parkinsons, Inc. $20,000 Dear Neighbor Ministries, Inc. $15,000 Downtown Kiwanis International Foundation $30,000 EmberHope, Inc. $40,000 Empower Evergreen, Inc. $125,000 Episcopal Social Services, Inc. $55,000 Family Promise of Greater Wichita, Inc. $100,000 First Tee - Greater Wichita $125,000 Freedom Hooves Therapeutic Riding Center $100,000 Friends of the Great Plains Nature Center $5,000 Fundamental Learning Center $214,286 Heartspring, Inc. $20,000 Hunter Health Clinic, Inc. $100,000 Kansas African American Museum $100,000 Kansas Aviation Museum $15,000 Kansas Children's Foundation $20,000 Kansas Food Bank Warehouse, Inc. $100,000 Kansas Health Science University, Inc. $100,000 Kansas Humane Society $10,000 Kansas University Endowment Association $500,000 KETCH $75,000 League 42 Foundation $87,000 Mark Arts, Inc. $10,000 Miracle Flights $5,000 Music Theatre Wichita, Inc. $20,000 Newton Healthcare Corporation $100,000 Olpe Community Improvement $50,000 Orpheum Performing Arts Centre, LTD $250,000 Pando Initiative, The $20,000 PBS Kansas $46,065 Project Teacher $25,000 Quivira Council $24,000 Senior Services, Inc. of Wichita $50,000 Simply Hygiene, Inc. $14,000 Special Olympics Kansas $10,000 Starkey, Inc. $100,000 The Nature Conservancy $20,000 United Methodist Open Door $20,000 Wichita Animal Action League $30,000 Wichita Area Sexual Assault Center $50,000 Wichita Art Museum $20,000 Wichita Grand Opera, Inc. $35,000 Wichita Public Library Foundation $300,000 Wichita State University Foundation $125,000 Wichita Symphony Society, Inc. $25,000 Wichita Women's Initiative Network $15,000 Wildwood Outdoor Education Center $15,000 Total: $ 3,828,485 -
2023 - Contributions Paid
Alzheimer's Association $20,000 Assistance League of Wichita $20,000 Ballet Wichita $15,000 Bike Walk Wichita, Inc. $201,491 Boy Scouts of America $100,000 Boys & Girls Clubs of SC Kansas $100,000 Camp Wood YMCA $50,000 CASA of Sedgwick County $20,000 Central Kansas Community Foundation (dba All Together Now Fund) $50,000 Center for Behavioral and Academic Research $200,000 Central Kansas Community Foundation (Castle Park Project) $10,000 Central Plains Health Care Partnership $25,000 Child Advocacy Center of Sedg. Co. $75,000 Club Parkinson's Inc. $20,000 Down Syndrome Society of Wichita $100,000 Douglas County CASA, Inc. $5,000 Empower $250,000 Flint Hills Discovery Center Fdn. $50,000 Freedom Hooves Riding Center $10,000 Fundamental Learning Center - 2019 Grant $200,000 Fundamental Learning Center - 2021 Grant $214,286 Giving the Basics Wichita, Inc. $15,000 Heartspring $20,000 HumanKind Ministries $10,000 ICT SOS $12,500 Kansas Aviation Museum $15,000 Kansas Children's Foundation $20,000 Kansas Food Bank $100,000 Kansas Health Science Center $250,000 Kansas Humane Society $26,250 KSDS Assistance Dogs, Inc. $15,000 League 42 Foundation $200,000 Miracle Flights for Kids $5,000 Mount Mitchell Prairie Guards, Inc. $20,000 Project Teacher $25,000 Rainbows United $48,302 Robert J. Dole Institute of Politics, KU Endowment $50,000 Senior Services, Inc. of Wichita $40,000 Special Olympics Kansas $10,000 Starkey, Inc. $75,000 The Nature Conservancy $30,000 United Methodist Open Door $10,000 Wichita Art Museum $10,000 Wichita Community Gardens, DBA Riverside Garden $5,000 Wichita Family Crisis Center $175,000 Wichita Grand Opera $25,000 Wichita Public Library Foundation $300,000 Wichita State University Foundation $70,700 Wichita Symphony Society $25,000 Wildwood Outdoor Education Ctr. $10,000 Total: $3,353,529 -
2022 - Contributions Paid
Alzheimer's Association $30,850 American Cancer Society $12,500 Ballet Wichita $5,000 Bike Walk Wichita, Inc. $50,000 Cairn Health, Inc. $25,000 Camp Wood YMCA $50,000 CASA of Sedgwick County $20,000 Center for Behavioral and Academic Research $63,200 Central Plains Health Care Partnership $20,000 Child Advocacy Center of Sedg. Co. $75,000 Children First: CEO Kansas $54,000 Club Parkinson's Inc. $10,000 Episcopal Social Services, Inc. $35,000 Freedom Hooves Riding Center $10,000 Friends University $200,000 Fundamental Learning Center - 2019 Grant $200,000 Fundamental Learning Center - 2021 Grant $214,286 Giving the Basics Wichita, Inc. $12,000 Guadalupe Clinic $6,500 Heartspring $20,000 Hunter Health Clinic, Inc. $100,000 ICT SOS $6,000 Integrated Behavioral Technologies $25,000 Kansas Aviation Museum $10,000 Kansas Children's Foundation $20,000 Kansas Infant Death and SIDS Network $20,000 Kansas Food Bank $50,000 Kansas Health Science Center $125,000 Kansas Humane Society $15,000 KPTS $125,000 KSDS Assistance Dogs, Inc. $15,000 KVC Hospitals, Inc. $100,000 League 42 Foundation $50,000 MarkArts $10,000 Newman University $100,000 Sedgwick County Zoo $725,000 Senior Services, Inc. of Wichita $35,000 Special Olympics Kansas $10,000 The Nature Conservancy $35,000 The Pando Initiative $30,000 United Methodist Open Door $23,841 University of Kansas/KU $200,000 Wichita Cancer Foundation $30,000 Wichita Children's Home $351,900 Wichita Family Crisis Center $200,000 Wichita Grand Opera $20,000 Wichita Women’s Initiative Network $20,900 Wichita Public Library Foundation $300,000 Wichita Symphony Society $12,500 Wildwood Outdoor Education Ctr. $15,000 Total: $3,938,477 -
2021 - Contributions Paid
American Cancer Society $20,000 Ballet Wichita $7,500 Bethel College $100,000 Boys & Girls Clubs of SC Kansas $70,000 Cairn Health, Inc. $25,000 Camp Wood YMCA $10,000 CASA of Sedgwick County $10,000 Central Plains Health Care Partnership $20,000 Chamber Music at the Barn $10,000 Cornerstone of Care $2,500 Ducks Unlimited $10,000 EmberHope Youthville $20,000 Episcopal Social Services, Inc. $93,310 Flint Hills Discovery Center Fdn. $50,000 Freedom Hooves Riding Center $20,800 Fundamental Learning Center - 2019 Grant $200,000 Fundamental Learning Center - 2021 Grant $414,286 Hunter Health Clinic, Inc. $100,000 ICT SOS $5,000 Kansas Children's Foundation $20,000 Kansas Food Bank $50,000 Kansas Health Science Center $125,000 Kansas Honor Flight $5,000 Kansas Humane Society $10,000 KETCH $28,000 Kingman County Humane Society $20,000 KPTS $125,000 KSDS Assistance Dogs, Inc. $10,000 MarkArts $35,000 Mount Mitchell Prairie Guards, Inc. $10,000 Music Theatre Wichita $20,000 Newton Public Library Foundation $100,000 Quivira Council Boy Scouts of America $25,000 Sedgwick County Zoo $390,000 Senior Services, Inc. of Wichita $25,000 The Kansas African American Museum $200,000 USD 259 (Wichita School District) $100,000 United Methodist Open Door $20,000 University of Kansas/KU $184,335 Wichita Children's Home $117,300 Wichita Family Crisis Center $125,000 Wichita Grand Opera $20,000 Wichita's Littlest Heroes $1,200 Wichita Public Library Foundation $300,000 Wichita Symphony Society $25,000 Wildwood Outdoor Education Ctr. $5,000 Total: $3,299,231 -
2020 - Contributions Paid
American Cancer Society $10,000 American Red Cross $50,000 Arthritis Foundation $2,000 Assistance League of Wichita, Inc. $20,000 Boys & Girls Clubs of South Central KS $60,000 Cairn Heath $20,000 Camp Wood YMCA $5,000 Central Plains Health Care Partnership $20,000 Child Advocacy Center $390,000 Episcopal Social Services, Inc. $42,835 Freedom Hooves Riding Center $10,000 Fundamental Learning Center $414,286 Giving the Basics Wichita, Inc. $12,000 Hunter Health Clinic, Inc. $100,000 Kansas Aviation Museum $25,000 Kansas Children's Foundation $7,500 Kansas Food Bank Warehouse $100,000 Kansas Humane Society $40,000 KETCH $46,840 KSDS Assistance Dogs, Inc. $10,000 KVC Hospitals, Inc. $375,000 Mark Arts $5,000 Miracle Flights $5,000 Newman University $200,000 Rainbows United $25,000 Sedgwick County Zoo $410,000 Space Discovery Institute, Inc. $32,600 Special Olympics Kansas $10,000 The Arts Council $8,000 The Nature Conservancy in Kansas $25,000 United Methodist Open Door, Inc. $18,815 Wichita Children's Home $117,300 Wichita Indochinese Center, Inc. $5,000 Wichita Public Library Fdn $300,000 Wichita School District 259 $50,000 Wichita Symphony Society $25,000 Wichita's Littlest Heroes $1,400 Wichita State University Foundation $215,000 Total: $3,213,576.00 -
2019 - Contributions Paid
American Cancer Society $10,000 American Red Cross $50,000 Cairn Health, Inc. $20,000 Camp Wood YMCA $50,000 Carpenter Place $10,000 Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation $250,000 Chamber Music at the Barn $10,000 Child Advocacy Center of Sedgwick County $290,000 EmberHope $75,000 Episcopal Social Services, Inc. $10,000 Freedom Hooves Therapeutic Riding Center $10,000 Fundamental Learning Center $200,000 Girl Scouts of Kansas Heartland $25,000 GraceMed Health Clinic $100,000 Heartspring $50,000 Humanity House Foundation $14,000 HumanKind Ministries $20,000 Integrated Behavioral Technologies, Inc. $160,000 KPTS $25,000 KU Endowment $200,000 KVC Hospitals, Inc. $125,000 Mark Arts $20,000 Miracle Flights $5,000 Mount Mitchell Prairie Guards $10,000 Music Theatre Wichita $25,000 Quivira Council - Boy Scouts of America $131,000 Raise My Head Foundation $13,000 Ronald McDonald House Charities $22,350 Salvation Army $76,275 Sedgwick County Zoo $400,000 Senior Services, Inc. of Wichita $26,000 Space Discovery Institute $68,000 Special Olympics Kansas $10,000 Starkey, Inc $100,000 The Arc of Sedgwick County $50,458 United Methodist Open Door $18,505 Wichita Grand Opera $20,000 Wichita Public Library Foundation $300,000 Wichita Symphony Society $22,500 Total: $3,022,088 -
2018 - Contributions Paid
American Cancer Society $12,000 American Red Cross $50,000 Assistance League of Wichita $20,000 Boys & Girls Club of South-Central Kansas $16,650 Central Plains Health Care Partnership $20,000 Chamber Music at the Barn $4,000 Child Advocacy Center of Sedgwick County $290,000 Children First: CEO Kansas $20,271 E.C. Tyree Health & Dental Clinic $30,000 Envision Foundation $100,000 Families Together $20,000 Freedom Hooves Therapeutic Riding Center $15,000 Fundamental Learning Center $167,000 Girl Scouts of Kansas Heartland $25,000 Inter-Faith Ministries $15,000 International Rescue Committee $30,000 Kansas Big Brothers Big Sisters $5,000 Kansas Food Bank Warehouse $20,000 Kansas University Endowment Association $50,000 Mark Arts $100,000 Medical Service Bureau $15,000 Metropolitan Community Church $46,980 Miracle Flights $5,000 Newman University $400,000 Operation Homefront $4,000 Rainbows United $30,000 Rise Up For Youth $10,000 Sedgwick County Zoo $75,000 Senior Services of Wichita $800,000 Union Rescue Mission $35,000 Wesley Children’s Foundation $30,000 Wichita Public Library Foundation $300,000 Wichita State University Foundation $400,000 Wichita Symphony Society $22,500 Youth Volunteer Corps $30,000 Total: $3,213,401 -
2017 – Contributions Paid
Bread of Life Distribution Center $17,000 Camp Wood YMCA $5,000 Central Plains Health Care Partnership $20,000 Chamber Music at the Barn $4,000 Doc’s Friends $120,000 E.C. Tyree Health and Dental Clinic $20,000 Fundamental Learning Center $17,782 GraceMed $100,000 Heartspring $50,000 Integrated Behavioral Technologies $15,000 Kids Need to Eat $3,500 KPTS $10,000 KSDS Assistance Dogs $10,000 Mark Arts $105,000 Medical Service Bureau, Inc. $5,040 Miracle Flights $3,000 Music Theatre Wichita $35,000 Newman University $7,000 Rise Up For Youth $15,000 Senior Services, Inc. of Wichita $1,700,000 Special Olympics Kansas $10,000 The Treehouse $5,000 Wichita Indochinese Center $9,000 Wichita Parks Foundation $10,000 Wichita State University Foundation $200,000 Wichita Public Library Foundation $300,000 Wichita Symphony Society $15,000 William Allen White Foundation $40,000 Total: $2,851,322 -
2016 – Contributions Paid
American Red Cross $45,000 Bread of Life Distribution Center $15,000 Central Plains Health Care Partnership $15,000 Chamber Music at the Barn $5,000 Child Advocacy Center of Sedgwick County $480,000 ENVISION Foundation $200,000 Flint Hills Discovery Center Foundation $20,000 Fundamental Learning Center $334,000 Kansas Food Bank $50,000 KidsTLC $25,000 Music Theatre Wichita $75,000 Newman University $400,000 Partners for Wichita $15,000 Salvation Army $50,000 Senior Services of Wichita $13,741 The Arc of Sedgwick County $20,000 United Methodist Open Door $150,000 Wichita Children’s Home $25,000 Wichita Grand Opera $20,000 Wichita Public Library Foundation $300,000 Wichita State University Foundation $200,000 Wildwood Outdoor Education Center $15,000 Total: $2,472,741 -
2015 – Contributions Paid
American Red Cross $105,000 Camp Wood YMCA $5,000 Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation $25,000 Children First: CEO Kansas $5,000 Coutts Museum of Art $5,000 Episcopal Social Services $25,000 Guadalupe Clinic $25,000 Heartspring $5,000 Historic Wichita Cowtown $2,000 Inter-Faith Ministries $15,000 KSDS Assistance Dogs $10,000 Miracle Flights for Kids $5,000 Music Theatre Wichita $35,000 Positive Directions $8,000 Senior Services of Wichita $16,259 The Nature Conservancy $25,000 USD 261 $10,118 Wichita Children’s Home $25,000 Wichita Indochinese Center $5,000 YWCA $20,000 Total: $376,377